Welcome to Spring. Soon bulbs will be blooming and leaves will appear on our beautiful tree canopy.

Your CLRA Executive has been diligently monitoring the Casa Loma Heritage Conservation District Study as it moves to Plan stage and the Traffic Management and Mitigation Plan (TMMP) which when implemented will alleviate the traffic congestion on our streets near Casa Loma.

We have been expecting noticeable progress on both in the first months of the year. Unfortunately both are running behind time.

The start of the HCD Plan phase has been postponed to late summer/early fall, dependent upon City Planning staff resources.

The City and its consultants continue to work on the second phase of the study for the TMMP but have not yet updated their timetable for the report and community presentation. The CLRA Executive will be meeting next week with a representative of Josh Matlow’s office and the Liberty Entertainment Group to explore what improvements can be made to the traffic and parking congestion around Casa Loma in the interim before the start of the busy summer season.

The CLRA has a few events planned this spring to bring neighbours out to meet each other and enjoy our special neighbourhood.

Information on the following meeting and events is available through the links in the paragraphs below.

The first meeting of interest to our community is this coming Thursday, April 11th. The City is hosting a meeting and open house to get input on the planning framework for the area along St. Clair from Spadina to Vaughan Road.

[April 11th 6:00 to 8:30 PM at the Forest Hill Jewish Centre, 360 Spadina Road]

Later on April 27th we will be participating in the Clean Toronto Together initiative which annually brings out over 200,000 people for a good spring cleaning of public spaces. Together we can make this morning a good family event and make a difference to Wells Hill Park, the Nordheimer Ravine and the Casa Loma Parkette.

[April 27th 9:30 to 11:30 AM starting at Wells Hill Park and Casa Loma Parkette]

On Saturday May 4th we are organizing History, Heritage and Hemingway in the Casa Loma Heritage District. This 90 minute guided walking tour will celebrate Jane’s Walk and will explore our neighbourhood, let us share stories and learn about our many historical residences.

[May 4th 2:00 to 3:30 PM starting at Wells Hill Park]

On Saturday June 1st the 12th Annual Yard Sale will take place. Each year 25-35 homes use this opportunity for a personal spring cleaning. The event which is broadly publicized and organized with maps to participating homes.

[June 1st 10 AM to 2:00 PM various locations]

If you are interested in any of the above, please let us know. Let’s get together as a neighbourhood. Volunteers are always needed and are most welcome.

JOIN the Casa Loma Residents Association. The CLRA has earned the respect and attention of city officials.  Together we can accomplish more to protect our neighbourhood and improve services than we can as individuals. Annual membership for 2019 is $20. If you have already paid this year’s membership fee, thank you.