The Committee of Adjustment is scheduled to meet tomorrow at 2:30 pm to decide on the application for a day-care facility at 105 Wells Hill Avenue.
The CLRA has been working closely with our residents and Councillor Josh Matlow and his team to obtain a deferral of this meeting until further study and impact can be done.
A Transportation Opinion letter prepared by TMIG | The Municipal Infrastructure Group Ltd commissioned by resident Nick Saint-Martin contradicts several assertions in the transportation study prepared for the party bringing the day-care application to the Committee of Adjustment. It demonstrates the need for further study before any decision can be taken.
More than a dozen residents have filed objections with the Committee of Adjustment for reasons of safety and traffic congestion. The CLRA has not seen this level of opposition before.
We want to ensure we don’t make a big mistake and end up with a dangerous situation and extreme frustration for the whole community. A deferral to allow for further study is the best option at this time.