Heritage Neighbourhood • Vibrant and Strong Community
We have heard from the Liberty Village Residents Association that they are concerned enough about coyote sightings this winter to ask for action from the City of Toronto. We have learned about a couple of sightings on Austin Terrace earlier this winter which is not that unusual given our proximity to the city’s ravine system. However, we would like to keep track of sightings as we may want to join Liberty Village’s efforts to have the city more pro-actively control them.
TO REPORT A COYOTE SIGHTING, please call 311 and let the CLRA know at ">
From the City of Toronto
Coyotes generally do not pose a danger to people, but can pose a danger for pets. They are active during the day and at night, particularly dusk and dawn, and help to control rodent and rabbit populations. Coyotes thrive in urban areas because of the abundance of food and shelter available. They do not hibernate and may be seen more often during winter months as they are not hidden by foliage. Coyotes will eat whatever food is available such as small mammals and birds, and improperly stored garbage.
Remember these tips:
Take an e-learning course on Coyotes in the Urban Landscape to learn basic facts about coyote behaviour and how both animals and people can remain safe. This informational module has been created in partnership with Coyote Watch Canada.
The third season of the Casa Loma Community Skating Rink is under way.
Your voluntary community has been hard at work flooding and grooming the ice, thanks to a much colder holiday season than last year. The rink is located in the Casa Loma Parkette on Walmer Rd. next to the Stables.
The rink is open for kids today, December 26th. Facebook users can bookmark Casa Loma Rink for information about rink openings, events and ice conditions.
Our rink is 100% run and funded by the community. If you’d like to volunteer, we welcome anyone to join our crew (teens can log school volunteer hours!). If it’s cold enough, the rink will be open! Our volunteers make sure the rink is skateable and safe when the weather cooperates. Please email Sarah Gould to volunteer.
We are also collecting donations to buy our yearly equipment necessary to run the rink, including rink mats and our next rink liner. Please visit the GoFundMe page. Any/all donations are very much appreciated. This is truly a community effort, and we hope you will all enjoy the rink this season!
A local resident’s group fears a new development will spoil the view from Casa Loma, so it’s resorted to the court system to try to get the project changed.
By Noor Javed – Staff Reporter
Dec. 8, 2024
Robert Levy, president of the Casa Loma Residents Association, said his group has asked a condo builder to preserve part of a heritage building and to not obscure the historic view of downtown from the area. “We were completely ignored,” he said. Michelle Mengsu Chang Toronto Star
A Toronto-area residents group says it has no choice but to turn to the courts to have its voice heard on a condo project near Casa Loma that it fears will destroy a rare historic building and obstruct some of the famous view of the downtown core from the tourist attraction.
The Casa Loma Residents Association says its efforts to use the court system to challenge a municipal planning decision to approve a midrise condo project is slow and time-consuming, but it’s the only recourse left to groups like them after the Doug Ford government passed Bill 185 Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act earlier this year, removing the ability of third-party groups to appeal development decisions at the Ontario Land Tribunal.
“Community groups like ours have lost the right to appeal development decisions,” said Robert Levy, the president of the residents association. “So now there’s even less transparency around how planning decisions are being made.”
The residents group says its case is unique because it isn’t fighting the project, its density or its location. Its main ask has been for the developer to preserve part of a historic 1930s building that housed the Barker’s Bread Bakery and to make sure the eight-floor condo doesn’t obscure the view of downtown from Casa Loma.
“We were completely ignored,” said Levy.
The historic bakery building at the southeast corner of Walmer and Davenport Roads with Art Deco facade. Michelle Mengsu Chang Toronto Star
“There was willingness to address the issues — keep the facade, shift some of the density. It was never about stopping the project,” he said. “It was really about citizens trying to make their city better.”
Levy said after months of trying to find common ground with the city and Zinc Developments, which is building the eight-storey 143-unit condo project at 555 Davenport Rd., the group filed an appeal at the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) last year.
But instead of hearing the case, the adjudicator dismissed the appeal in February — at the request of the developer — saying that the concerns of the residents association were “not based on a valid land use planning ground” and “had no reasonable prospect of success.”
The group then appealed the dismissal to the court system, during which time Bill 185 was enacted, cancelling the ability of all third-party groups to appeal development decisions at the land tribunal.
Richard Macklin, the lawyer representing the group, said because it was appealing an OLT decision at divisional court, and not within the tribunal, it was unclear if Bill 185 applied to them — and so it has continued its appeal process.
“We are in this legal limbo,” he said, arguing that the new law doesn’t apply to cases outside the OLT. He said the group has filed a judicial review of the OLT decision. A hearing date has been scheduled for February. The city approved the development in May 2023.
Developer Ken Zuckerman, the president of Zinc Developments said he couldn’t comment on the ongoing case.
“Due to the ongoing legal challenges by the CLRA we have been advised by our legal counsel not make any comments until the conclusion of the litigation,” he said in an email.
Levy said the residents group appealed the city’s approval of the condo after extensive efforts to have the unique property deemed heritage, which would give it special protections.
Levy said the city’s heritage planning department had determined that the building — designed by the same architects who designed the ROM and Princess Gates — met the stringent criteria for full designation set out in the Ontario Heritage Act.
But Levy said that despite this, the city decided at the last minute to drop the endorsement for heritage designation and only preserve a small part of the building, according to documents the residents’ group obtained through a freedom of information request.
“We never got an answer from the city about why they changed their mind,” he said. “We are asking for two reasonable compromises that will make this project better: preserve some heritage, preserve views that are enjoyed by community. We don’t have that many special areas — like Casa Loma — in Toronto.”
In an email, Catherine Jung, an urban planner with the city, said the developer had “explored potential retention strategies, however, (they) learned that any retained façade would require substantial reconstruction.”
Jung added that the “approved application proposes integrating part of the principal façade of the existing building as a commemorative element within the new development as part of a larger commemoration plan.”
The residents’ group also argues that the condo will block views of the downtown core from the Casa Loma area, which are to be protected under the city’s official plan. It requires new developments to “maintain views to and from the Lake Iroquois Escarpment, including the Casa Loma/Spadina House complex.”
The residents group says that the policy protects not only views from Casa Loma to the downtown core, but should also include nearby vantage points. It said it tried to work with the city and developer to adjust the plans for the condo so this view would be protected.
In an email, Jung said staff “examined the protected views of the area, finding the scale of the development would protect the distinctive characteristics and maintain views to and from the Casa Loma/Spadina House complex, in accordance with city policies.”
She said the city “considered views to and from Casa Loma and Spadina House as well as from the Baldwin Steps during both summer and winter seasons. In addition, views from Casa Loma to the financial district skyline, and of Casa Loma and its towers from the east side intersection of Dupont Street and Spadina Road were considered.”
Macklin said this discussion should have taken place at the OLT to understand the scope of the city policy, instead of an outright dismissal of the case.
Local city councillor Josh Matlow said he’s tried to help the two sides find a solution outside of the courts:
“I’ve been telling both parties that a solution that respects heritage without losing a unit of new housing is possible,” said Matlow. “It’s unfortunate that so much time has been needlessly wasted.”
Levy agreed that the legal fight has been a “complete waste of time” and said the group is still hoping to come to an out of court agreement with the developer.
Macklin concedes that the court process has bogged down the case, but said it’s the only option available left for those who want to participate in the planning process:
“The Ford government passed a relatively draconian bill severely curtailing community involvement in municipal development projects,” he said. “The government thinks that Bill 185 has fixed the housing crisis for them by silencing all the community groups. From our point of view, it’s not that simple.”
Noor Javed is a Toronto-based reporter for the Star covering city news with interest in 905 municipal politics. Follow her on Twitter: @njaved
Bravo to Casa Loma neighbourhood in 2024 for its welcoming response to the Toronto Region and Conservation Authority (TRCA) RAVINE NATIVE SHRUB PROGRAM this summer.
The ordering deadline was August 24th and according to the numbers from TRCA, 11 homes close to Nordheimer Ravine responded! The program was originally initiated about three years ago when CLRA member Barbara Chernin spoke to TRCA Community Outreach and Education Supervisor Colin Love about implementing a native shrub program in the Casa Loma area for residents with homes bordering Nordheimer Ravine.
Funded by the City of Toronto’s urban forestry grants and incentives program, it is now celebrating its second year in our neighbourhood. Delivery of shrubs to residents is expected the 3rd week in October with the idea, pending favourable weather, to put shovel to ground and start planting as soon as possible. Planting native shrubs not only improves the quality of our air, soil and water, it also brings food and shelter to our birds and insects so a major accomplishment for all the neighbourhoods involved in the program!
Special thanks must be given for the tireless support of TRCA staff in order of their appearance- Colin Love, Stephanie Parish and Sarah Wenzl.
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is offering free native shrubs to residents living within 80 meters of ravines in Toronto to help grow and support our ravine systems. Thanks to funding provided by City of Toronto’s Urban Forestry Grants and Incentives Program.
Houses bordering the Nordheimer Ravine and both sides of Connable and Russell Hill Drive all qualify. But so likely do 104,102 and 89 Wells Hill; from 164 to 134 Lyndhurst on the west and from 141 to 133 Lyndhurst on the east; from 379 to 345 Walmer on the east and from 394 to 366 Walmer on the west. See MAP.
Why Participate?
How to Participate:
1. Check Eligibility:
2. Place Your Order:
3. Plant Your Own Shrubs with Care. Residents are responsible for planting and maintenance.
The order deadline for this giveaway is August 15th, 2024. Quantities are limited. Registration may close prior to the deadline if the program has reached capacity
Please see the letter attached from Julie Chan (Wells Hill Ave.). Julie, along with other residents of our neighbourhood volunteer at the Avenue Road Food Bank. Julie is inviting other Casa Loma residents to get involved by volunteering and through donations.
A BBQ to introduce the good work of the food bank is being held on Saturday September 9 from 1-3 pm at the Food Bank. You are welcome to join your neighbours from Casa Loma and other communities there. A non perishable food donation would be appreciated. The Food Bank is just a 20 minute walk away in the Church of the Messiah at 240 Avenue Road at the corner of Dupont.
On line donations through Canada Helps may be made HERE. [choose Fund – Avenue Road Food Bank – in the drop down menu; a tax receipt will be issued].
The Toronto Public Library has indicated that the opening date for the Wells Hill Lawn Bowling Club will be delayed. Good progress has been made in grading the site and laying sod around the perimeter. However, the bowling green cannot be laid until the irrigation system is powered and has been fully tested. Toronto Hydro is working to supply power to the site to enable this.
The Club meanwhile has raised more than $1,000 toward its $5,000 goal to refresh the Club’s equipment. To contribute to the Club’s GoFundMe campaign click on this link.
Coyotes have been seen on numerous occasions in our neighbourhood this summer. It seems the population of wandering coyotes is much larger than in the past. They can be quite frightening as they move from one part of their territory to another in search of prey (usually small mammals such as mice or voles). An unattended dog is also at risk. Fortunately, we have not received any documented reports of anyone or animal being harmed.
A coyote who does not run away when encountering humans has, most likely, become accustomed or habituated to people. This generally occurs when a coyote has been fed (in the form of handouts, pet food left outside, or unsecured garbage).
The City will not take action to relocate the coyotes. The South Hill Residents Association (the neighbourhood on the east side of the Nordheimer Ravine) has been campaigning for their removal with Councillor Josh Matlow’s office. We will update you on further developments. In the meantime, please be alert and mind your pets.
A Colorado Blue Spruce was removed without a permit from the front yard of 14 Lyndhurst Court this past week. The removal is under investigation by the Urban Forestry Compliance and Enforcement Division. The City responded quickly as it is well aware of the protected tree canopy in our area and the neighbourhood’s interest in protecting it.
The City of Toronto wants to increase density in all neighbourhoods by a By-Law Amendment to permit multiplexes in all residential neighbourhoods of Toronto.
There will be a significant impact on the historical character and streetscape of our neighbourhood when existing houses are demolished or renovated and repurposed as multiplexes.
Multiplexes are defined as 2, 3, or 4 units in a single building. This housing type is also referred to as a duplex, triplex, or fourplex. These homes could be rental or condominium units and they could either be in the form of converted houses or purpose-built as a multiplex.
Key changes proposed in the zoning by-law amendments:
The zoning amendment would not change these standards:
All of the above may be exceeded through “minor adjustment” applications to the Committee of Adjustment. As reported on January 22, the passage of Bill 23 at the end of last year made it easier to proceed with development applications through the Committee of Adjustment
Recommended Zoning By-Law Amendment
The Planning and Housing Committee will consider these policies during a Public Meeting to be held on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 2:30 pm – City Hall, Committee Room 1, Second Floor and by Video Conference.
The CLRA welcomes all members of our community to contact us () with your comments and suggestions and to let us know if you want to participate in our submission to the City.
The Wells Hill Lawn Bowling Club, beside the newly reopened Wychwood Library, is looking forward to re-opening in late June 2023 after installation of a new irrigation system and a new bowling green. The Club is looking forward to welcoming the community back after a long period of hiatus!
The new clubroom is built into the southeast corner of the Wychwood Library Branch. The clubroom includes 75 lockers, an accessible washroom, kitchen with fridge, microwave and sink and shelving for awards and game supplies. The Wychwood Library renovations have transformed the site, with a new gallery overlooking the bowling green which offers excellent spectator opportunities for the game below. This is the first new lawn bowling facility in the city in decades and one that promises to be a highly attractive venue.
Thanks to a grant from the federal government’s New Horizons for Seniors Program the club has acquired six sets of “Junior Ace” lawn bowls, helpful for adults who might prefer a smaller lawn bowl, and also ideal for children who might want to challenge their parents, or each other! The Club will also use the grant to acquire about 40 new slings to make lawn bowls easier to carry.
The Club needs your help to relaunch! There are many small tasks to whip the Club into shape, from helping with social media, communications, programming, cleaning equipment, setting up lockers, you name it. If you would like to help out, or if you want to add your name to the Club’s mailing list please contact Greg Deschamps, Club President, at .
Because of the uncertainty of the reopening date, adult membership fees will be set at $75 for the season, reduced for 2023. As well, if you would like to help re-equip the Club please visit the club’s GoFundMe page and help towards the club goal of raising $5,000 to refresh equipment.
Stay tuned for more news!
The 17th Annual Yard Sale will take place on Saturday June 3 between 9am and 2 pm. Over 30 homes in the neighbourhood have participated in each of the previous yard sales.
If you would like to participate in this year’s yard sale, please contact Cheryl Millett (). The usual $5 for printing and advertising. No inflation just to keep it simple! Drop off in Cheryl’s mailbox at 5 Nina Street or feel free to eTransfer to Cheryl’s email. Please provide your address.
Volunteers are appreciated for dropping off flyers, putting up posters in the neighbourhood, and posting on Kijiji/Craiglist. Please let Cheryl know if you are interested.
Happy decluttering or treasure hunting.
A message from Sarah Gould
Dear neighbours, volunteers, and friends of the Casa Loma Community Rink.
I’m happy to announce that our rink is up and open! We had a great turnout of volunteers to help lay the liner on January 29th, and since then we have been flooding the rink and problem solving as we go.
The good news is that we did it! A lot of work and love went into this rink, and we think it’s pretty amazing. We hope you will all get a chance to skate! The bad news is that the weather forecast is not looking good. We are doing all we can to keep the rink going despite the unseasonably warm temperatures. We’ve been happy to see some skates on the ice, and we hope the community will have more time to enjoy the rink.
I also want to take this opportunity to send out some words of thanks. There are a lot of people who worked hard to build this rink, and it’s been heartwarming to see such a positive community response. We’ve had the support and encouragement of Councillor Josh Matlow and Alex Forgay from the beginning, Nancy Carneiro and Nancy Aranha from the City of Toronto worked hard to help our team get this rink approved, and we could not have had a rink this winter without the generous support of Catriona Delaney and her team at Liberty Entertainment Group/ Casa Loma who provided water for the rink at no cost, gave our team access to the stables, and who have offered help and friendly encouragement along the way. The Casa Loma Residents Association has been a valuable support and helped us connect to our neighbours. Countless people have offered their time, advice and hands on experience. We’d like to send a special shout out to Ray Bernard of the Fairmount Rink Ice-Masters, who took the time to come to our rink to help us get it up and running on the coldest day of the year and to Luciano Borsato for his helpful advice. Last but not least, our neighbours, friends, and families donated to our GoFundMe to help us build the rink, picked up shovels and hoses, and continue to volunteer their time and efforts no matter what the weather predicts. This has truly been a community effort! Even if Season 1 of the Casa Loma Community Rink is a short one, we are going into Season 2 strong.
It was hoped to have a Community Skate at 2pm this Saturday, February 11th. However the unseasonably mild weather has forced the closure of the rink for the time being. In fact, the forecast is for above freezing temperatures every day until at least the last week of the month. Everyone will be informed by email of the rescheduled date if that becomes possible.
The following is a summary of a very complex law and regulations. It has not been prepared by a lawyer. The Casa Loma Residents Association has identified parts of Bill 23 of obvious interest to us. Our understanding will grow as regulations implementing the Bill are announced and as we work with residents and other associations in the months ahead.
Bill 23 – More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 received Royal Assent on November 28, 2022. Substantial portions of the Bill came into force upon Royal Assent, while other portions will come into force on a date to be proclaimed by the Lieutenant Governor.
The stated purpose of Bill 23 is to help achieve the Ontario Government’s stated goal of having 1.5 million homes built over the next 10 years. This would be twice the number of housing starts in Ontario for the 10 years ending 2021. The Bill will have the greatest impact in those areas where there is significant land available for development or redevelopment.
There are provisions that have an impact on the Casa Loma community.
Our Casa Loma neighbourhood is within the St. Clair West Protected Major Transit Station Area.
The last data from the City (2016) estimated the area’s population at 15,524 plus employment of 2,778. The planned density for the area is approximately 40,000 residents and workers (313 per hectare) which is more than double the current number. The minimum goal is 25,500 (200 per hectare). This goal was set by the City through a process that took place between March 2020 and July 2022.
Most of the increased density will take place on the north side of St. Clair Ave., up Bathurst St. and Raglan Ave, where residential and mixed use towers are already underway or planned.
With respect to density measures, our neighbourhood will be impacted as follows:
The long overdue Casa Loma Heritage Conservation District Plan (approved to proceed to the Plan Stage in July 2018) now may have another hurdle to overcome. A regulation is expected to be published outlining the criteria for designating an HCD. Hopefully this criteria will not be more onerous than that applied by the Toronto Preservation Board and the City of Toronto Planning Division so the long awaited designation will be granted.
New amendments will set a new threshold for listing properties on the Heritage Register and keep them listed. A property will have to meet a prescribed criteria to determine if it is of cultural heritage value or interest. Properties may not be designated to be of cultural heritage value or interest once applications for official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments or draft plan of subdivision have been filed unless already on the register. Further, properties may not be designated if the designation would conflict with provincial priorities such as transit, housing, health and long-term care and infrastructure. Municipalities will be required to remove a property from the heritage register if council has not initiated a designation process under section 29 of the OHA within two years of it being listed. For properties that are already listed on the heritage register (see below), a date will be established for the commencement of the two-year period. A property will also be removed from the list if the municipality does not pass the implementing by-law within a prescribed timeline or if the by-law is successfully appealed. If a property is removed from the heritage register, the municipality will be prohibited from listing that property again for a period of five years.
Properties currently listed on the Heritage Register are:
5 Austin Terrace
153, 155 and 157 Lyndhurst Ave. (originally the Lyndhurst Lodge)
338 and 340 Spadina Rd. (Wembley Apartments)
Hillcrest Community School.
The City has not addressed moving these properties to the by-law designation stage under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act for many years.
For background, the properties in our neighbourhood that are protected under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act are Casa Loma, Pellatt Lodge, Casa Loma Stables, Spadina House, 72 Wells Hill Ave., 51 Wells Hill Ave., 7 Austin Terrace, Wychwood Library.
To reduce backlogs, there is no longer the right for a third-party to appeal a minor variance and consent decision. Only the owner of a property, the municipality and certain specified persons and public bodies still have the right to appeal a decision. There are no changes to the right of third parties to appeal official plans or official plan amendments or zoning by-laws or zoning by-law amendments.
There is also an amendment to the Ontario Land Tribunal Act, 2021, yet to come into force, that will expand the Tribunal’s authority to dismiss appeals without a hearing, notably on the basis that the party who brought a proceeding has contributed to undue delay. There is also a provision to strengthen the Tribunal’s authority to order an unsuccessful party in a proceeding to pay a successful party’s costs.
Changes to the method for calculating Community Benefit Charges, Development Charges and parkland by-laws will reduce the cost of development. This will no doubt reduce benefits our neighbourhood and adjacent neighbourhoods may have received from the high-rise developments along St. Clair Ave. West. The City will also have to look for new sources of revenue to replace the lost revenue.
On November 3, 2022 the Casa Loma Residents Association established a new Planning and Development Committee chaired by Robert Levy and including three lawyers, Richard Macklin, Jonah Arnold and Paul Morrison. These members have many years of experience protecting the character and heritage of our community. You will be hearing from this committee in the weeks ahead.
Toronto Hydro is rebuilding the electrical distribution system in and around our neighbourhood. This rebuild includes upgrading overhead and underground electrical cables on city-owned property.
The project area includes a section of Bathurst St., Wells Hill Ave., Hilton Ave., Nina St., Melgund Rd., Alcina Ave., Albany Ave., Austin Terrace, Bridgman Ave., Burnside Dr., Davenport Rd., Dartnell Ave., and Lyndhurst Ave..
There will be road and sidewalk restrictions within the construction area. Some trees will need to be trimmed. Advance notice will be provided of any parking restrictions. We have been advised that cars will be towed if necessary.
The expected timeline is February 2023 to December 2023. Work is scheduled for Monday to Friday between 7am and 7pm but some weekend work may be required.
One of the missions of the CLRA is to actively engage in addressing development proposals within our neighbourhood or that affect our neighbourhood.
Most recently, the CLRA has been taking the lead along with the Tarragon Village Community Association and the Castle Hill Townhome residents group in objecting to a number of aspects of two proposed 8 storey residential towers being proposed for 555 Davenport Rd. (at Kendal) and 550 Macpherson Ave (at Kendal) which proposes to convert educational use zoning on land that had belonged to George Brown College to residential and construct a high end condominium project. The concerns include the height and density of the two residential towers, setbacks and scale, as well as the heritage status of the building located at the corner of Davenport and Kendal. There are also concerns regarding the loss of the surface parking lots which has to be addressed given the overflow requirements of Casa Loma and our desire to protect the street parking north of the castle for the use of our residents.
These towers at their proposed height of 8 floors would substantially detract from the views from and to Casa Loma and the Casa Loma escarpment which are protected Official Plan public realm views. Our second submission can be viewed HERE.
Over 30 years ago our residents banded together with other residents and the City to prevent the Goldman Group from building an 8 storey tower on the land southwest of Spadina and Davenport. Instead, negotiations led to the Castle Hill townhouses which is a very attractive development on that site with substantial landscaping and protective of the views of Casa Loma. Given the context of the Castle Hill townhomes we believe the Zinc proposal is a material over development of the two sites.
The CLRA recognizes that the City’s Official Plan is for higher density in its core to address our growing population. We are not objecting to residential buildings intensification on Davenport and Kendall, only to ensuring that the remaining development land is developed in proper context of this unique heritage neighbourhood.
When you read our submission referenced above you will see that we have started working with Terry Mills of ARRIS Planning Consultants who has provided substantial assistance and has a track record of working to support residents’ associations. We have learned that it is critical to provide independent planning perspectives to the City to comment on planning reports submitted by the developers planners and consultants.
Earlier this year, working in collaboration with the ARA (Annex Residents Association) and local residents, we were successful in negotiating a reduction in height from 9 to 8 storeys and an overall height reduction as well as some façade improvements to minimize rail noise reflection as well as aesthetics for the Self Storage building proposed for the northeast corner of Dupont and Bathurst to specifically address the objections raised by residents on Austin Crescent and Lyndhurst Court. We also identified and addressed a number of transportation issues regarding ingress and egress from Bathurst which would affect our residents as well as many others.
All of these projects where we interact with other associations as well as city staff gives us resources and connections for all of our other issues. We have developed a strong reputation at the city and with other associations for our constructive contributions.
The experience we are gaining will help us going forward with the traffic and parking issues at Casa Loma, the traffic congestion on St. Clair and the work needed to complete the Heritage Conservation Study and related designations under the heritage act. Councillor Matlow and his team continue to be extremely helpful and supportive of the CLRA and our constructive contributions to the City planning issues.
The CLRA has learned from Erin Smith, a Heritage Planner at the City, that Heritage Planning has now determined that 555 Davenport meets Ontario Regulation 9/06 criteria prescribed under the Ontario Heritage Act for determining cultural heritage significance. Staff will be recommending to City Council in January that the property be included on the City’s Heritage Register and designated under the Ontario Heritage Act as part of the planning application process.
Please join the CLRA. Membership is $25 per 12-month period. Together we can accomplish so much more than we can as individuals to protect our very special neighbourhood.
Sarah Gould, and a team of neighbours hope to build a community ice rink this winter in the Casa Loma parkette on Walmer Rd. next to the Casa Loma Stables. With the help of Councillor Josh Matlow, they received approval from the city of Toronto through the Natural Ice Rink program and Casa Loma has agreed to donate the water for the rink flooding from the Stables facility. However, it is up to the community to build and maintain the rink and to cover the costs of materials required. Money is needed so that the rink liner kit can be purchased in December, which will help the volunteer icemakers build and maintain a great rink.
What better way to facilitate outdoor play and connect with friends and community, than a local ice rink in our very own corner of the city!
Any donation, small or large, will help reach the goal of raising $1,500 to build and maintain the rink.
To contribute to this Go Fund Me campaign please click HERE
With thanks,
Sarah Gould, Robert McCann, Jeremy Speigel & the Casa Loma Community Ice Rink team.
Sharpen your skates, we hope to see you on the ice! ⛸️⛸️❄️
UPDATE – December 23, 2022
Over $2,000 was raised! The rink kit has arrived !!
We are looking for volunteers – adults and kids – who are interested in helping our amazing group of neighbours build and/or maintain the rink during the skating season. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Sarah Gould at
It’s now November, the sales office for the Condo towers is open but we are still waiting on the Record of Site Condition (RSC) and the Transportation Study that was promised has not yet been undertaken.
The RSC summarizes the environmental condition of a property based on the completion of one or more Environmental Site Assessments.
The Transportation Study is to address community concerns about increasing traffic flow through to Bathurst by Melgund or Nina, largely attributable to backed up traffic further and further on St. Clair caused by (i) increased pedestrian traffic at the intersection limiting right turns north on Bathurst and thus effectively blocking the inner of the two lanes of westbound traffic and (ii) a short left turn lane at the intersection which often blocks the outer lane. The traffic jam also adds greatly to the pollution around the corner and along St. Clair across from Wells Hill Park. See our June 6, 2020 posting.
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