136 Lyndhurst Ave.
The property at 136 Lyndhurst Ave. is one of 63 properties in the Casa Loma neighbourhood to be evaluated for Heritage Conservation District status in addition to the homes within the Hilton Avenue Heritage Conservation District and the Wells Hill Avenue Heritage Conservation District. All of this is set forth in the Casa Loma Heritage Conservation District Study approved by the Toronto Preservation Board on July 18, 2018 on the recommendation of the City of Toronto’s Planning Division.
In mid December, a Notice of Residential Demolition was posted on the property. The CLRA objected to the potential demolition on December 19th as this property is included in the list of special properties that contribute to the overall heritage character of the Casa Loma neighbourhood. It is one of a cluster of nearby properties on Lyndhurst Ave. that were deemed in the Casa Loma Heritage Conservation District Study to be worthy of further evaluation for heritage conservation district status. The others are next door at 134 Lyndhurst Ave. and nearby at 133, 128, 125, 120, 117 and 111 Lyndhurst Ave. This further evaluation has not yet been carried out.
See Notice of Objection.
The CLRA has been very proactive and diligent in advising the listing real estate agent, heritage preservation services and Councillor Matlow’s office notifying them that this important property was potentially threatened as early as March of 2019.
As a result of our objection and with the full support of Councillor Josh Matlow, the Chief Building Official, City of Toronto, will now refer the demolition permit application to community council for consideration. It is expected that a staff report will go to Toronto and East York Community Council on February 5, 2020.
We will keep you posted.