Alison Reid, a resident of Casa Loma who lives at 99 Wells Hill Ave, along with a few friends, has arranged for a private shipment of goods to Ukraine to assist the Ukrainian people under attack from Russia. The goods will be shipped by MEEST a reputable shipping company that helps humanitarian efforts.

She is inviting residents in the Casa Loma community to donate anything on the list of most needed items. (See below). Things don’t need to be new so it’s a great way to purge and put gently used items to good use.

If anyone is interested in donating, she is accepting donations this Sunday on her front porch (Please place items in a garbage bag to protect them from inclement weather).

Please see the linked Google worksheet provided by Ali.


For further information, Ali’s email is

Follow-up March 7, 2022

I just wanted to send a big thank you to the Casa Loma community for their generous donations for Ukraine. I received so many goods on my porch this weekend that I was sent a cube van to pick it up – as my minivan was not large enough.
